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Coronavirus Update

Due to state mandated restrictions, we will be limiting the number of people at this year's gathering to 20 attendees. This will give us the space to social distance while we take part in the festival activities. We also ask that everyone bring a mask in case there are times that we are unable to remain 6 ft apart.


We will be taking the following precautions:

We are limiting the number of festival participants to 20 this year to allow for social distancing.


Classes will take place outdoors or in a screened in porch.


Participants will be asked to sit at least 6 feet away from non-household participants.


All BYF staff, volunteers, teachers and vendors will be screened on September 25th before the festival opens. (health questions and temperature check).


All BYF staff, volunteers, teachers and vendors will be requested to wear a mask.


Hand sanitizer will be made available.


Meals will be served outdoors or in an open-air space.


We recommend:

Persons more vulnerable or at-risk for COVID-19 as identified by the CDC—including those who are over the age of 65 or those who have severe underlying medical conditions—not attend the festival.


If you have any questions, please email Nicole Fey at


Refund Policy

We offer a full refund through September 1st. 

September 2nd - 18th, 50% refund

September 19 - 24th, 75% refund

No refund after September 24th

Visit this page and our Facebook page for updates on the event.

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