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Classes & Workshops

2020 Bliss Fest Weekend Schedule 

Schedule still in progress, check back for updates.​

*description of classes follow schedule



Reiki II Training (9am - 2pm) 

Color Me Yoga (9am - 2pm)

(Add on your pre-festival workshops to your registration)


Class locations

(P) Porch

(A) Arbor

(Y) Yurt

(F) Field

(MH) Main House



2:30 pm Arrive - Settling in and tent set-up


4:00pm:  Kundalini Yoga: Opening to Bliss! (P)

 Led by Ajeet & Sat Akal

(Child care will be available during this opening class)


5:30pm All Camp: Native American Ceremony for the Earth (A)

Led by Jose Gonzales 


6:30pm Dinner


7:30 - 8:30pm Kundalini Yoga for The Weary Traveler (F)

Led by Raj Bhajan 


8:00 - 9:00pm Drum Circle and Fire (F)

Led by Tim Woody




4:30 - 5:00 am Japji Morning Prayer (Y)

Led by Ajeet


5:00 – 7:00am Morning Sadhana (Yoga & Chanting) (Y)

Led by Raj Bhajan & Ajeet


7:30 - 8:30am Breakfast (MH)


8:45am Children's Nature & Art Camp begins (F)

Camp Leaders: Ellie and Corey Corelli


9:00 - 10:30am  Kundalini Yoga + Sound Healing (P)

Led by Sat Akal & Jan Coe


10:45 - 11:45am Earth Mandala Workshop with Shelley Mangold (F)


11:00 - 12:15pm Yin Yoga (P)

Lead by Heather Marie Jagels 


12:30 - 1:30pm Lunch (MH)


1:45 - 3:00pm Slow Flow Yoga (P)

Teacher: Heather Hutcheson


1:45 - 2:45pm Permaculture 101: Learning to Live Sustainably (MH)

Led by David Bolt


3:00 - 4:00pm Silks Yoga demo with Jeanne (A)

Led by Jeanne Lane


3:00 - 4:30pm Mantra & Meditation: A Chanting Workshop (P)

Led by Ajeet Khalsa 


4:30 - 5:30pm Juice Detox Class (MH)

Led by Nicole Fey


6:00pm Children's Camp ends


6:00pm Dinner (MH)


7:00 - 8:30pm Sacred Music Concert (Y)




4:30 - 5:00am Japji Morning Prayer (Y)

Led by Ajeet


5:00 – 7:00am Morning Sadhana (Yoga & Chanting) (Y)

Led by Sat Akal & Ajeet


7:30 - 8:30am Breakfast (MH)


​8:45am Children's Camp begins (F)


9:00 - 10:30am Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing for Empaths and Sensitives (P)

Led by Michael Lott 


10:45am - 12:15pm  Healing Through Ayurvedic Medicine (Y)

Led by Nikki Nitzband


10:45am - 12:15pm Finding Center with Svaroopa Yoga (P)

Led by Ajeet Khalsa


12:30 - 1:30pm Lunch (MH)


1:30 - 2:00 pm Children's Camp Performance (Y)


2:00 - 3:00pm Power Yin (P)

Led by Philip Clift


3:30pm Children's Camp ends


3:30 - 4:00pm  Closing Ceremony (F)


**schedule subject to change

Interested in teaching or vending? Contact us here

Class & Workshop Descriptions



Raising environmental awareness, we will create a large ephemeral group art installation that will be left to weather or blow away at the end of the festival. If time allows, we will create a smaller expressive mandala, which we will take only pictures and not leave it behind.



When your aura is strong and balanced you are able to attract the things you need for your life's mission, your approachable and radiant and it will boost your immune system to keep you from getting sick. We will end with the prosperity meditation that was given for when you need money. 



Juicing is incredible for turning your health around! The key to vibrant health is to detoxify the body of life-depleting chemicals and to deeply nourish the cells with vitamins and minerals from raw, whole foods. In this class you will learn the benefits and principles of a juicing as well as how to start and maintain your juicing program.



"When I found yoga, I had to learn how to breath". Swami Nirmalananda 

Svaroopa Yoga uses ancient techniques to give you the experience of its name: svaroopa - your own inner Self.  Finding your center means having time to go deep within, listening and witnessing your breath then allowing the angles of each pose to relieve core stress and tension in the body, spine, mind and more.   In Svaroopa yoga there is less doing and more allowing. Getting the pose lined up first allows you to find laser focus from within; lying still, your body is then allowed to restore, heal and deeply relax, this allows you to reliably come home to center again and again.


Mantra & Meditation: A Chanting Workshop with Ajeet Khalsa

Mantra is a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation. Lama Karma says meditation is getting familiar with your natural state. I understand meditation as a way to get beyond your mind to discover a deeper dimension within. Learn powerful, yet easy meditations that you can take with you anytime and anywhere. Find out how easy it is to get past the inner obstacles using simple sounds and words. We will be using a traditional raga form of meditation as well as mantra from the Hatha and Kundalini traditions. Be prepared to sit with a cushion and mala if you like. I love to do chanting and meditation every day.


Yin Yoga with Heather Jagels 

Immerse yourself in a sound bath of strings for this special yoga class accompanied by live cello. You’ll be guided on a journey to complete relaxation through deep yin postures, meditation and the soothing vibrations of the cello, allowing you to achieve your most calm and relaxed state.


Permaculture 101: Learning to Live Sustainably

David Bolt went from gas guzzler to electric car driver and from mass consumer to living mostly off the grid. David is an expert at all aspects of sustainability, from renewable energy including solar, water catchment systems, permaculture, aquaponics, swell systems building soil and more.  All come together at the Sustainable Future Center in South Knoxville that David founded in 2015. This talk is for beginners on the path to sustainability as well as avid permies.


Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing for Empaths & Sensitives

We are in this new age on the planet of awakening our collective empathic heart.  Many of us have felt empathic and sensitive for many years and others are beginning to feel this deepening and connection with your multi-dimensional self and gifts.  This class will be geared to those that would like some extra support on your journey in understanding just how important all of you is right now and especially the things that are challenging you.  Michael will focus on a Kundalini yoga based physical practice that builds your grounding/embodying and eliminative force so you can stay more present in your human experience while also connected to your multi-dimensional self.  This practice will follow with a deep gong relaxation.  The class will wrap up with a breath-work based meditation that supports your ability to face the shadows and challenges in your life with the light and awareness of your intuition.


Slow Flow Yoga with Heather Hutcheson

Slow Flow Yoga provides poses that range from gentle to challenging, but done with stable, self-centering energy. The pace of these classes is understandably slower and emphasis is placed on safe alignment and the maintaining balance of the slow breathing.


Silks Yoga demo with Jeanne

During this demo you will learn the amazing versatility and support of doing yoga with hanging silks. Jeanne will demonstrate some basic yoga postures and guide you through some postures on your own.

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