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Tom Hogan

Energy Healer

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About Quantum Healing Solution

Quantum Healing is a very powerful energy healing that uses ancient shamanic practices that interface the morphogenic fields that connect with groups of star families and interdimensional healers that communicate with me while I use the pendulum. These great healers work through vortexes created by my ability to hold the space while the quantum healing group does very powerful healing on the chakra systems, body, and aspects of the client’s imbalances from past lives as well as current life challenges and imbalances. Clients report that the healing continues for a period of months in many cases.

About Tom Hogan

My journey as a healer started when I was at a young age. As a kid, I always wanted to help anything that looked burdened or needed aid. I would move fallen branches that were leaning against trees to provide them relief or help honeybees drowning in puddles after rain. I would blow their wings dry as they rested in my hand and would grin from ear to ear as they flew away.


As I got older, I became fascinated about all things metaphysical and esoteric and developed a passion for healing and helping. I studied ancient cultures like the Mayans and Native Americans and ancient healing practices. I took classes in reflexology, deep muscle work, and kinesiology. I had an inner knowing deep inside of me that there was more going on to healing our bodies than just the physical parts of us. I felt that there were events happening that affected our bodies that scientific analysis could not explain.


After many years of traveling to places to learn dowsing, quantum healing hypnosis therapy, and from the help of my long-term mentor, Ada Marie Windish along with lots of meditation and guidance from spirit, I developed my own quantum healing techniques. These techniques can be used in in-person sessions or distance healing sessions. These sessions use shamanic techniques handed down from ancient teachings that connect the physical with a multidimensional part of our mind, body, spirit complex. These powerful healing techniques have proven to provide profound, long-lasting healing results.

Testimonials for Tom Hogan

It has taken a few months for me to fully understand how much Tom’s healing work has helped our entire family. I came to Tom from a referral from a spectacular psychic I work with. I had absolutely no idea what Quantum Healing was about when I found out about Tom. I had really spent a good year trying to heal myself from all the toxic sludge and energy surrounding my life and family. I knew there was something deeper that I couldn’t figure out myself. That is where Tom came in from a distance as I am in the San Francisco area. I actually did not have to share too much with Tom before he was very much tapped into me and my son (I was also needing help with my son). Tom had the softest most kind and genuine approach. I honestly cannot even put this into words other than he made me feel safe. He was very good at explaining the process the best to his ability and was always checking in to see if I had questions. What he did overnight for myself and my son was very magical but also very intense (in a good way). I could write a novel about this experience but to put it quite frankly he helped rid of some really dark sludge and truly helped  me and my son get back on track. The results started to come through the morning we woke up and even three months from the healing we are still seeing beautiful things unravel. My husband also joined in and did a  healing himself a month later. This really helped all of us connect on such a deeper level. Tom has helped guide me personally by working through blocked chakras and exposing me to so many new ways of thinking and healing. I have also been brought aware of a few super powers I have myself. The healing just continues to emanate in our family and I would never hesitate to reach out to Tom again when the time calls for his beautiful talents and skills. It has also been so amazing sending friends and family his way and hearing their experiences.  Thank you Tom!

~ Erika, Sacramento, California

My first session with Tom was a gift in every definition of the word.  Each session since has been the same yet different.  Tom is always aware of what my essence needs.  My time with Tom has brought calm where chaos once resided, peace where anger once lived, and acceptance where a controlling spirit once resided.  His advice that I often hear is “Speak from your heart”.  His work stays with me.  The pivotal point (when I knew there had been a shift) was when I was iced in at an airport. Instead of my go to self destructive response that I had relied on for many years, I accepted where I was and was at peace.  I can not imagine a greater gift.   My last session with Tom, I gave as a gift and I am eager to have time with him again.
JoAnne F

I live in Hawaii and was referred to Tom (all the way in Tennessee!) by a renowned and highly respected psychic and medium.  I had never before heard the term Quantum Healing, knew nothing about chakras, and had no idea what I was getting into.  I just knew that the relationships in my life were toxic and that I needed a drastic change in order to get myself out of the deep dark hole in which I had created for myself and had been festering.  The moment I connected with Tom via email (and then phone), I knew he was special.  His professionalism, experience, wisdom, and high ethics were top notch.  He asked the right questions, had a special way with words, made no judgements, and exuded wisdom, warmth, love, and kindness.  His healing work was done remotely while I was sound asleep in Hawaii, and I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, lighter, calmer, more at peace, and filled with love and a new zest for life.  But that was not all!  I could suddenly see more clearly from outside my hole and was able to make healthier decisions that moved me away from darkness and into the light.  Friends and family noticed a shift right away, and a few have already called Tom to schedule an appointment for their own healing.  Tom and his quantum healing work were/are truly a gift to me and my family.  I am forever changed and eternally grateful.  Thank you, Tom, for sharing your gifts, talents, and wisdom with me and the world. 

~ Merilee T.,Honolulu, Hawaii

Contact Tom Hogan
Specializing in distance healing & local Gatlinburg
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