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SoulFire Alchemy

Beth Ward

Beth Ward

Shaman, Usui Ryoho + Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher, and BQH© Practitioner

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About Beth Ward

I came to know the truth of our multi-dimensional being and Living Light consciousness after a sudden severe illness and near-death experience completed my initiation as a spirit shaman. I endured what I witnessed to be "soul fire" in a walk between all worlds.


I serve as a facilitator, a guide, a receiver, a translator, a witness, an observer, an extractor, a teacher, a way-shower, an energetic alchemist, and an empowerment leader. ​I offer a light on the path to self-awareness and Higher purpose.


I am a graduate of The Great Medicine Wheel of the New Earth Shamanic Energy Medicine and Ceremony Program in Charlottesville, VA. I am also a certified BQH© practitioner (Beyond Quantum Healing), a third degree Usui Ryoho Reiki and Crystal Reiki Master teacher, a certified NLP, S.R.S. (Symbolic Reprogramming System), and Qi-Gong practitioner, an ordained interfaith minister, and a former licensed massage and bodywork therapist with an extensive background in alternative medicine of 22 years. ​


It is my honor to invite you to ascend into higher dimensions of holistic wellness​!

About SoulFire Alchemy

Unlike other practitioners who utilize a specific system and prescribed set of rules, this Sacred Healing we orchestrate together is creative, dynamic, and entirely individualized. My practice focuses on helping people just like you remember the truth of Who They Are by reconnecting them with all of the elements of their soul and Higher Self. Lifetimes of trauma and fear-based programming create cycles of mind-less living, toxic patterns and limiting beliefs. As you come into Conscious Awareness, we must travel to those places where healing is needed. Whether you need guidance + nurturing on your journey, or you’re ready to move fiercely forward, I use every particle of experience and training in my toolkit to help YOU experience healing transformation, take your power back, step into your sacred sovereignty and reunite with your Higher Self and Oneness.


StarLight Energetics™ is my signature alchemical fusion of the energy healing, holistic wellness modalities, and intuitive abilities I have learned and integrated over the years. Just a few of these are Peruvian, Native American, and Norse shamanic energy medicine + journeying techniques, Reiki Master skills, divine light codes and frequencies, vibration, toning, sound, and sacred scents, stones, crystals, the elements, channeling and intuitive guidance-- all formidable tools for radical healing and harnessing the power + strength of your inner truth. Shamanic Energy Medicine, Energetic ReStructuring and ReBalancing for human energy field and chakras, BQH©, Reiki, Symbolic Reprogramming, Crystal Grid Therapy, Ascension Guidance, Intuitive Readings, Home/Land Clearing, Distance Sessions. EVENTS: Ancient Wisdom + Ritual Studies, Energy Medicine + Reiki Trainings, Rites of Passage, and Transformational Retreats.


Whether you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, learning to heal yourself and/or relationships, or wish to begin a practice or expand your own skills as a health practitioner, these events are for YOU!

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Contact Beth Ward:
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